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introduction of chen hsong europe b.v.

chen hsong europe b.v. was founded in holland in may 2013 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the chen hsong group. the chen hsong group is one of the world's biggest injection molding machine manufacturing companies, with a product line ranging from machines with a clamping force of 20 tons to machines with a clamping force up to 6500 tons.

  the establishment of chen hsong europe will further consolidate the market position of the chen hsong group and enlarge the company’s distribution network in the european market. with the help of our dealers in europe, we will enter into a closer relationship with our european customers and provide them an increasingly efficient service. chen hsong europe will help our agents by providing faster and more competitive offers and by shortening the machine and parts delivery time.

  chen hsong europe is located in holland, where we will keep injection molding machines and parts in stock. the machines can be used for exhibition, for presentation, and for training for our customers. 

  chen hsong europe now has a staff of five. they all have long experience in cooperating with remote headquarters and in working in the injection molding machine industry.

  mr. h.l.a. corbey, the general manager of chen hsong europe, has 25 years working experience in the plastics industry.

  in the past few years, the chen hsong group has worked hard to improve the quality of its machines, by implementing european standards in machines, by designing energy-saving components, and by introducing european styling in its product line.

  chen hsong group’s new machine controller, its energy-saving servo pump system, and other machine part design upgrades have brought the line up to the highest standards.  in addition, our two-platen machine design has accomplished a significant breakthrough.  our machines range in size from 700t up to 6500t.

  in order to meet our customers’ requirements, chen hsong europe will pay close attention to trends in the european marketplace.  we believe this new vantage point will provide important benefits to our customers in europe and around the world.

chen hsong europe b.v.
riezenweg 20a
7071 pv ulft
the netherlands
phone number: 0031 (0)315-681252
fax. number: 0031 (0)315-683656
mobile: 0031 (0)6-51071212

